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What is the cure when marijuana makes you insane?

By: BleedingheartinkIn: Date: Wednesday 8 August 2018 Add Comment
William Jean
former Video Game Programmer
8w ago
Marijuana doesn’t make anyone insane. The problem with this question is that it assumes a false premise. Marijuana is actually by far the most safe pain relieving drug. It is physically impossible to overdose on marijuana without spending thousands of dollars to smoke pounds upon pounds of the plant in a single sitting. The only danger of using cannabis happens to be that it can trigger psychosis/schizophrenia. Keyword being trigger. In other words, if you smoke cannabis and go into psychosis, the THC only triggered your episode, but your genetics is the real cause behind it. People who experience these psychotic episodes have a genetic propensity towards them. If their genetics were different, then smoking weed would be just as safe as drinking water (as long as they don’t drive).
It’s of incredible importance that people who ask questions like these become educated about the truths behind the amazing marijuana plant so that people who need it’s medicinal properties can receive them. I believe that cannabis is the only way we can stop the opioid crisis that has taken over America. We must push for its legalization nation-wide.
Kieran Doran
Medical student and proud Scot
8w ago
If you mean the very small percentage of the population who are genetically susceptible to cannabis-induced schizophrenia then there would be a two point management plan.
Firstly, marijuana use would be completely stopped.
Secondly, if the schizophrenia persisted, the normal treatment would be initiated i.e. antipsychotic drug regimens like olanzapine or risperidone. Psychosocial therapy such as family therapy and skills training may also be useful.
But, essentially if a person is unlucky enough to be susceptible and unlucky enough to use cannabis and unlucky enough for it to persist afterwards then the normal treatment of the schizophrenia is indicated.
Curtis Hagar
Sales Associate at Walmart (2015-present)
8w ago
STOP using it! It's not the marijuana it's a chemical imbalance in your brain. One of the main reasons for states legalizing it is because there is NO history of a psychotic break in users. It has been used by top business execs, as well as scientists, doctors, and professional jobs across the board. For heavens sake it has been Scientifically Proven to help millions of people with mental and medical issues involving the brain. Cure brain cancer, stop Epileptic seizures, cure eating disorders, kept cancer patients eating, sleeping and maintain a positive outlook on the treatments. Not to mention Depression, anxiety, nervousness, bi-polar,and anger management. Its not a man made synthetic drug like LSD,ACID, CRACK, HEROIN,OR COCAINE. IT HAS GROWN NATURALLY FOR 1000's of years. And to date 0 deaths caused. Get checked for chemical imbalance if it is doing that to you because it's not a NORMAL reaction. P.S.- my oldest son is a pharmacist and did his thesis on the medical benefits of the plant.
Sumeet Kumar
7w ago
When it happens, and it does, there is no going back. You are now conscious of so many things that you shoved in your subconscious and some of it slipped in your unconscious. At the same time a lot from your unconscious has come to your conscious.
Dealing with this all can make anyone feel that they have gone totally bonkers. Also you will see symptoms of far too many mental illness including anxiety, BPD, NPD, bi polar and many other nomenclatures which actually don't mean much.
Have a healthy lifestyle. Stop smoking. Listen to mindfulness meditation videos on YouTube (an hour a day).
Search for your condition, there are few excellent blog posts. Mix Kundalini, Awakening, Consciousnesses, Chakra words in your search along with marijuana and insanity.
Stephanie Boyd
Dispensary Patient Specialist
8w ago
Cannabis cannot make you insane. It will only magnify what is already there. Get professional psychological therapy

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